Este es el primer artículo de esta serie llamada: "Conociendo a tu enemigo". Dado que esta serie se originó de mi enfrentamiento contra NeoTerra, este será el primer enemigo que analizaremos.
This is the first article of the series: Knowing your enemy. The origin of these series was my failure against NeoTerra and that's why they will be the first enemy to analyze.
NeoTerra tiene una variedad de tropas interesantes, varias cosas curiosas que bien empleadas pueden generar un verdadero dolor de culo en Corregidor, pero por cuestiones de practicidad nos vamos a centrar solamente en las siguientes dos unidades:
- Guardia Aquila
- Guardia Suizo
-Guardia Aquila-
Comencemos con ver el perfil:
Tener un CD de 15, un BLI de 4 y un PB 6 lo hace ya toda una máquina pero lo que realmente nos jode la vida aquí en Corregidor es su Visor Multiespectral N3, por lo que el clásico combo de Intruder-Jaguar no es viable, así de sencillo. Así que... ¿Qué podemos hacer?
Lo primero es contestar la siguiente pregunta: ¿Es el Aquila una verdadera amenaza? Si el Aquila es el Teniente pero la misión no especifica matar Tenientes, no le busques más... simplemente no te metas con él. ¿La mesa está muy cerrado y no permite muchas líneas de tiro largas? Pasa de largo, no lo enfrentes, evitalo y centrate en la misión; ojo: no te olvides de él, tenlo en mente y pon trabas para que no se acerque: E/Maulers, Minas, Repetidores, etc. Supongamos entonces que a la pregunta anterior respondes: "si, ese Aquila va a terminar con mi ejército si no hago nada al respecto", en este caso no queda sino batirse, no queda sino luchar.
La primer ventaja que tenemos es que es una IP, por lo tanto es Hackeable, lo cual es una buena noticia, pero ciertamente tendríamos que acercarnos a una distancia de 20 cm porque hay que tener por seguro que el Aquila por si solo no va a venir hacia nosotros tan fácilmente. ¿Por qué considerar el hackeo como la primera opción entonces? Pues bien, esto es debido a que sería un enfrentamiento indirecto, dándole solamente el "Reset" como ORA. La segunda alternativa tiene un nombre: Señor Massacre. Las granadas Eclipse del Señor Massacre, nos pueden ayudar para buscar acercarnos a un combate cuerpo a cuerpo, donde con sus dos espadas (y con ayuda de un equipo enlazado) ampliamos nuestras posibilidades, claro que si antes lanzamos una granada E/M y acierta, la cosa se volverá mas sencilla. La tercera alternativa se llama disparo especulativo y esto solo puede hacerse a través de granadas y lanza-granadas o quizás misiles inteligentes, preferiblemente tras haber logrado marcar al oponente, lo que implica parte de la primera alternativa o usar la habilidad de Observador de Artillería. La última alternativa: acabar con las órdenes del contrario: sin órdenes no podrá hacer acciones.
Todo suena bien pero, ¿Qué sería lo ideal?
Pues bien... one for all. Una estrategia flexible se basa en tener varios frentes de ataque, donde su capacidad de respuesta se vea minada y no pueda usar al máximo sus habilidades. Hay que recordar obviamente que no va a venir solo, habrá otras unidades dándole apoyo por lo que no debemos centrarnos solamente en acabar con él. Siempre hay que tener en cuenta los objetivos de la misión.
La principal manera de tener al Aquila en rango de Hackero es a través de repetidores o hackers con DA, donde las mejores opciones para este caso serían los Moran Massai, los Bandidos y los Hellcats (Ya sea el hacker o el que trae un repetidor). El Tomcat con repetidor también es una buena opción pero dado que solo entran con DA N2, nos reducen las posibilidades de sorpresa. Tratar de Hackear con un Bandido y su AHD, nos da la oportunidad de un ataque sorpresa pero reduce las probabilidades de éxito con su WIP de 12. Una idea interesante sería tratar de marcarlo y después buscar inmobilizarlo con Carbonita para finalmente dispararle con un enlace: Wildcats con HRL o Alguaciles con rifle de francotirador Multi o Lanzamisiles. Hay que tener en cuenta que al menos se necesitarían 3 a 4 órdenes y que el éxito no está garantizado.
Un consejo de mi parte es tomarte unos 5 minutos aproximadamente justo al inicio de tu turno para que generes la idea general de lo que vas a hacer pues es horrible cuando te quedas sin órdenes por no haber analizado correctamente tus opciones.
Ahora bien, si el Aquila es el Teniente y la misión busca eliminar al Teniente, tenemos que irnos con Tomcats, Hellcats y Bandidos; porque seguramente estará bastante atrincherado y fuera de vista de cualquiera de nuestras opciones. Un dúo de Hellcats puede hacer un trabajo muy coqueto: Hacker de Asalto para marcarlo e inmobilizarlo y Hellcat con escopeta para lanzarse de frente contra él a un +9 dándole solo como ORA el Reset.
La estrategia combinada, tiene más "notoriedad" cuando estás en tu turno reactivo: Cualquier acción que tome el Aquila debería estar amenazada por dos diferentes frentes: Si va a salir a disparar, debe de haber repetidores en rango , Crazy Koalas o minas y tropas que pudiera dispararle por lo que la colocación de los Bandidos y los Moran se vuelve de vital importancia; si quieres leer algo sobre despliegue, puedes darle clic a este enlace.
Ojo: Tener todo junto puede tentar al oponente a usar un suicida: una tropa barata que se lance a comerse los Koalas, las minas y demás dispositivos; hay que tratar de colocar las trampas siempre de manera escalonada (es horrible cuando un remoto de 8 puntos se come 4 koalas).
Ojo: Tener todo junto puede tentar al oponente a usar un suicida: una tropa barata que se lance a comerse los Koalas, las minas y demás dispositivos; hay que tratar de colocar las trampas siempre de manera escalonada (es horrible cuando un remoto de 8 puntos se come 4 koalas).
Por ahora hasta aquí se queda este artículo esperando que les sirva para abrir los ojos y generar sus propias estrategias para poder frenar esta tropa, el siguiente articulo como pueden darse cuenta hablará del Guardia Suizo. ¡Nos leemos en le espacio... meteorheads!
NeoTerra Sectorial has a variety of interesting troops, many curious and effective units that well used can give us a pain in the ass but for practical issues, we are going to center only in two of them:
Let's begin with the profile: Having a BS of 15, an ARM of 4 and a BTS of 6 makes him a dangerous machine but what really fuck up us is his Multispectral Visor L3, and thanks to this toy, the Intruder-Jaguar combo is not possible. So... What do we do?
The first thing is to answer this question: Is really the Aquila Guard a menace? If the Aquila Guard is the LT but the mission doesn't concern about killing the LT, so simple: do not pick a fight with him. If the table is really dense and there are no long lines of fire, avoid him and use traps for making him to not follow you: Mines, E/Maulers, hidden repeaters, some Crazy Koalas, etc. But, if you answered the question with a big: "Yes, that monster is going to take out my army if I don't do anything about it", well, there is nothing left but to fight... dirty.
The first advantage we have against this monster is that he's an HI so it's hackable but we need to get closer, the monster is not going to go directly to your repeaters but only if you lure him in. Why is "hacking" the first option? Because it's not a direct fight against him, that's all. He will only use "Reset" and if he wins, nothing happens to you. Another alternative has a name: "Señor Massacre". The Eclipse Grenades can totally block his LoF and we can get closer (along with a Jaguar's Team) to Close Combat (DA and E/M CCW), of course prior to crossing blades, we can also throw an E/M grenade just for making things a little bit easy. The third choice could be the speculative fire with LGL, grenades and intelligent missiles hoping a lucky shot, this is also recommended with a little help of Hackers or FO because targeting him will make things less complicated. The last choice is to reduce the enemies order pool (no orders = no actions).
Everything looks nice (on paper) but, what would be the best choice?
Uff... well, one for all. A flexible strategy based on various fronts where his response capacity turns inefficient. Of course, we need to remember that he is not going to come without friends to the table, there will be troops supporting them and we need to focus on the mission, even if he's in rampage if you accomplish more objectives you win.
The main way for having the Aquila on Hacker's range is through repeaters and AD Hackers. The best options are the Moran Massai, the Bandits, and the Hellcats. Tomcats with deployable repeaters are also a good option but due to his DA L2, their possibilities are reduced. Also, trying to hack him with a Bandit and his AHD, even if we got a surprise hacking attempt, her 12 WIP reduces us the possibilities. A very interesting idea is to use first the Spotlight program, then use Carbonite and after that shot him with a MULTI Sniper or Missile Launcher (Alguaciles link-team). Notice that: we will need, at least, 4 orders to complete this and the success is not warranted.
Some advice from me is to take you 5 minutes at the beginning of your game turn and analyze the course of action that you'll take because it's horrible when you didn't notice that you needed more orders than the ones you thought about and you end your turn with your miniatures exposed and without fulfilling your turn objectives.
In another scenario, if the Aquila is the LT and the mission is Decapitation (For example) we need to go into Hellcats, Tomcats, and Bandits. This because the Aquila will be, certainly, under cover on a "safe" spot in the deployment zone. A good way here is to go with 2 Hellcats: Hacker and Boarding Shotgun options. The hacker uses Spotlight and Carbonite, and then the Boarding Shotgun rushes into him with a +9; the Aquila would only be able to "Reset".
This "Combined Strategy", has much more power during your reactive turn: any action that the Aquila will be going to do must be threatened with at least to defense fronts: a repeater in range, an E/Mauler, and someone with shooting possibilities so the position of Morans and Bandits turn crucial. Need an advice on deployment, click here.
Beware: Having everything together could let the opponent to use the "suicide" technique. A cheap unit will come directly to all the "defensive" devices just for hoping to reach all of them in range and die blown away, giving the Aquila a clear path, so these traps must have certain "order". (It's horrible when an 8 points remote takes 4 koalas).
I hope this first article helps you to deal with this little monster and make you open your eyes for creating creative strategies for dealing with it. The next article will cover the Swiss Guard.
See you in the space... meteorheads!
NeoTerra Sectorial has a variety of interesting troops, many curious and effective units that well used can give us a pain in the ass but for practical issues, we are going to center only in two of them:
- Aquila Guard
- Swiss Guard
Aquila Guard
Let's begin with the profile: Having a BS of 15, an ARM of 4 and a BTS of 6 makes him a dangerous machine but what really fuck up us is his Multispectral Visor L3, and thanks to this toy, the Intruder-Jaguar combo is not possible. So... What do we do?
The first thing is to answer this question: Is really the Aquila Guard a menace? If the Aquila Guard is the LT but the mission doesn't concern about killing the LT, so simple: do not pick a fight with him. If the table is really dense and there are no long lines of fire, avoid him and use traps for making him to not follow you: Mines, E/Maulers, hidden repeaters, some Crazy Koalas, etc. But, if you answered the question with a big: "Yes, that monster is going to take out my army if I don't do anything about it", well, there is nothing left but to fight... dirty.
The first advantage we have against this monster is that he's an HI so it's hackable but we need to get closer, the monster is not going to go directly to your repeaters but only if you lure him in. Why is "hacking" the first option? Because it's not a direct fight against him, that's all. He will only use "Reset" and if he wins, nothing happens to you. Another alternative has a name: "Señor Massacre". The Eclipse Grenades can totally block his LoF and we can get closer (along with a Jaguar's Team) to Close Combat (DA and E/M CCW), of course prior to crossing blades, we can also throw an E/M grenade just for making things a little bit easy. The third choice could be the speculative fire with LGL, grenades and intelligent missiles hoping a lucky shot, this is also recommended with a little help of Hackers or FO because targeting him will make things less complicated. The last choice is to reduce the enemies order pool (no orders = no actions).
Everything looks nice (on paper) but, what would be the best choice?
Uff... well, one for all. A flexible strategy based on various fronts where his response capacity turns inefficient. Of course, we need to remember that he is not going to come without friends to the table, there will be troops supporting them and we need to focus on the mission, even if he's in rampage if you accomplish more objectives you win.
The main way for having the Aquila on Hacker's range is through repeaters and AD Hackers. The best options are the Moran Massai, the Bandits, and the Hellcats. Tomcats with deployable repeaters are also a good option but due to his DA L2, their possibilities are reduced. Also, trying to hack him with a Bandit and his AHD, even if we got a surprise hacking attempt, her 12 WIP reduces us the possibilities. A very interesting idea is to use first the Spotlight program, then use Carbonite and after that shot him with a MULTI Sniper or Missile Launcher (Alguaciles link-team). Notice that: we will need, at least, 4 orders to complete this and the success is not warranted.
Some advice from me is to take you 5 minutes at the beginning of your game turn and analyze the course of action that you'll take because it's horrible when you didn't notice that you needed more orders than the ones you thought about and you end your turn with your miniatures exposed and without fulfilling your turn objectives.
In another scenario, if the Aquila is the LT and the mission is Decapitation (For example) we need to go into Hellcats, Tomcats, and Bandits. This because the Aquila will be, certainly, under cover on a "safe" spot in the deployment zone. A good way here is to go with 2 Hellcats: Hacker and Boarding Shotgun options. The hacker uses Spotlight and Carbonite, and then the Boarding Shotgun rushes into him with a +9; the Aquila would only be able to "Reset".
This "Combined Strategy", has much more power during your reactive turn: any action that the Aquila will be going to do must be threatened with at least to defense fronts: a repeater in range, an E/Mauler, and someone with shooting possibilities so the position of Morans and Bandits turn crucial. Need an advice on deployment, click here.
Beware: Having everything together could let the opponent to use the "suicide" technique. A cheap unit will come directly to all the "defensive" devices just for hoping to reach all of them in range and die blown away, giving the Aquila a clear path, so these traps must have certain "order". (It's horrible when an 8 points remote takes 4 koalas).
I hope this first article helps you to deal with this little monster and make you open your eyes for creating creative strategies for dealing with it. The next article will cover the Swiss Guard.
See you in the space... meteorheads!
Para mi la mejor opción es eliminarlos en CC. Bandit, jaguar, Massacre o Mc Murrough si llegan a él le pueden hacer un destrozo. No hace mucho me sacaron dos en una lista. Uno termino muy avanzado en fuego de supresión, inmovilice con el hacker y remate con el intruder. El otro cuando avanzó a mitad de mesa lo conseguí rodear con un jaguar y acabar con el.
ResponderBorrarCiertamente llegar a cuerpo a cuerpo es donde tenemos más posibilidades, además de que usar una tropa de 10 puntos para quitarte ese monstruo de encima es un placer sublime jajaja. Gracias por el comentario!
BorrarTambien se te olvida la opcion mas logica, disparar. Soy jugador Panoco, te aseguro que el Aquila no es defensivo, es un arma ofensiva; le puedes dar caza como le darias a cualquier otra IP panoco, 3 disparos de Fusil Combi a menos de 40cm son bastante efectivos, como nomada, un para basta, lo mismo infiltradores que le puedan flanquear y meterse a menos de 40cm (si puede ser a mas de 20cm, para que el Aquila no te enfrente con Pistola).
ResponderBorrarLo que si que es un problema y no has comentado para nada es que pasa cuando un Aquila se pone en Fuego de Supresion; ahi si que vienen muy bien todas las ideas que aportas.
Completamente de acuerdo, de otro panoco.
BorrarCiertamente, con un buen Combi puedes darle cuello a todo si lo haces bien. Y cierto, en fuego de supresión es ahí cuando brillan estas tácticas, gracias por sus comentarios!